Sabtu, 30 November 2013

A love affair with the friend

A love affair with the friend 's own advantages and disadvantages do exist . Fortunately, due to the nature and attitude already know each other until he needs to adapt again , and lose if the relationship is not going well , which should eventually broke makanan khas korea up the friendship was so damaged .

Like Frida ( not his real name ) , for example . Women 29 years this has been friends with the Word for over a year . Both of them even like brother and sister . And not unexpectedly , best anime movie their closeness as friends turned out to be lovers.

" Can garanya know because at that time there was a college assignment . Continues us a group . Since then temenan close , so like to get together , kept getting a little diligent anterin like home , like phone , sms , so more intense . Afterwards he shot , so I try to run it once wrote , " Frida story when interviewed by telephone Wolipop , Thursday ( 09/12/2013 ) .

When puisi cinta sedih a love affair with her ​​best friend , Frida admitted that there is absolutely no feeling awkward . Even when going out , relate to the word no difference compared to when I was a friendship .

" Because from the beginning already know it all , already know the ugly - ugly , already know each other's family as well , so there are not awkward at all . Difference distatus wrote Yes , " added the woman who like traveling .

But unfortunately , after six years of dating, relationships Frida and the Word was forced to run aground in the middle of the road .

" The breakdown for which is no longer in line . Ngerestuin Parents also not because he is not confident person , and can not nyatu with family . Maybe because strata also yes so she likes to feel inferior , " said the woman who is now working at an insurance company .

After the break up , the relationship Frida and the Word was not like it used to be . Friendship destroyed , even those like the enemy .

Different with Sasa . Women 22 years this was invented by his friend , Dito . But after seven years of dating , their relationship ended up just as saturated . Even now they even become ' friends but cordial ' ( TTM ) .

" We do not revert wrote for fear if dilabelin with the phrase ' girlfriend ' that even make breaking up again . Dilabelin Because if already there so it kind of responsibility . So yes skrg TTM 's wrote , " said Sasa .

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