Sabtu, 30 November 2013

about rejected love

In this world there are some things that you have to pass heavy , one of which is when you love rejected . Alas it was not awful taste , the same 11 12 deh toothache . Well , about rejected love in the case of rejected love this , usually people would ya gonna do it . Let 's look at puisi tentang koruptor.
Ngegalau in Social Media

Surely if you love denied it is best to share the same grief you deket your friends . But since now already the era of social media , and free information , which you not only free dapet give information but also free of any kind of information you want to know the love of people, including about rejected love you . Well , usually troubled updates like belajar menulis online this ya most cepet dapet response . But MBDC still just love tau aja , ngegalau in social media can be addictive you know , and so tipped disease . Singles acute illness .

Drug gutted it emang varied, one hurt feelings divert it to something more fun like shopping . Yep, with you spending so already forgotten what happened . Watch as a little kid when abis tuh cry because injections would immediately forget the pain after dibelanjain toys . But that is like this recovery does not last long , because when you've finished shopping you normally would remember more if you abis rejected .
make Tracks

Create denied that some people love is not painful , just the opposite of a boon . Yes , cerpen cinta sejati love is rejected it could dijadiin ngejual theme song really so , bro . Do not believe ? You just try clay deh Taylor Swift , right song about heartbreak continues . Well , if you want emang pain of love denied a positive and beneficial effect , grab a guitar and game deh ciptain song .
Go To Shaman

It does not so MBDC saranin , but if you really want emang going out with the person you 've refused it , so maybe you can datengin nearest shaman . Ask pasangin implant , let you more attractive deh . Yes once wrote that his sons , nyokapnya still be hooked .

Feeling sad because love is rejected it must be made ​​very soon released . Because if stored too long can make you real sick liver (ie liver disease ) . Well , pelampiasannya can be done by way of karaoke with a playlist of songs broken heart . But if you feel shy to meet a lot of people , and do not have money to rent a karaoke room , you do not need hawatir , because you can karaoke at home only mobile capital . Simply download apps LangitMusik on Google Play , Blackberry Store , or AppStore , search LangitMusik applications , then you just download the apps appsnya deh , find your favorite heartbreak song , then colokin deh to monitor , tadaaaa you've got yourself a karaoke room . Eits , do not be afraid if you do not memorize the song , because the songs on there LangitMusik lyrics. Steady !

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